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Canary Wharf London



In increasingly demanding working environments employee health and wellbeing has never been more important. Studies have shown that stress in the workplace can lead to dramatic decreases in employee commitment and productivity. It can also affect absenteeism rates and impact on a company’s ability to retain its employees.

This has led many companies to place employee health and wellbeing at the core of their operations and company ethos by investing in corporate wellness programs.

Company initiatives centred on stress avoidance have been proven to benefit both employee and employer. A healthy and happy workforce is central to a company’s ability to operate both effectively and efficiently and is a necessity for potential growth.

  • 92% of professionals surveyed said it was important for them to work for an employer that offered workplace wellness programs.

  • 88% of professionals believe that employers have the responsibility to support and enhance employee wellbeing.

  • 89% of workers at companies recommend their company as a good place to work, if a strong wellbeing program is in place.

  • 61% of employees agree that company wellness programs encourage them to make healthier choices.

woman at office
  • 74% of employers believe poor employee health and wellbeing contributes to high turnover rates.

  • Reductions in private health care plan costs.

  • Workers are reported to be more productive and miss fewer days.

  • Between 1.7 and 1.9 absentee days saved per employee per year based on 22 studies on employee absenteeism.

You provide the space. We provide the service.

At Hoppa Fitness we offer a corporate wellness package tailored to the needs of your employees and can provide a service to suit all fitness and ability levels. Our programs are unique to every client and are designed with your employees in mind. We also provide all exercise equipment when needed.

We can deliver our service in almost any environment. From offices and outdoor space to lobbies and conference rooms, the choice is yours.


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