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Gym Equipments


Full Body


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Gym Equipment

All kettlebells whether for competition or fitness, will always contain the same components. These components consist of a handle, the horns, and the bell. Kettlebell training develops all-round fitness and teaches the principle of kinetic linking.


The kinetic link principle describes how the human body can be viewed in terms of a series of interrelated links or segments. Movement of one segment affects others both proximal and distal to the first segment.


For example, the kettlebell "swing" draws energy from the ground and transfers this energy through the entire leg musculature into a ballistic contraction of the hips. The hip contraction transfers this energy through the shoulder to complete the swing. Kettlebells enhance awareness of posture, position, breath and grip.


Kettlebells are an "all in one" workout tool, just ask Pavel Tsatsouline the person single handedly responsible for popularising their use today. A simple Google or Youtube search will bring up his videos with a wealth of information from exercise selection to form tutorials.


The Kettlebell is essentially a weight that, like others such as plates placed on a barbell, or dumbbells, come in varying weights. From 8kg up to 50kg or more and can be used in singularity or in pairs. Therefore kettlebells can replace or be used instead of the traditional barbell or dumbbell in exercises like pressing, pulling or squatting. However, where they have quite unique application is in ballistic training or training for explosiveness.

Training Principles


The main focus of the "Full body kettlebell workout" programme is to strengthen the whole body in the area of functional movement patterns while simultaneously improving conditioning and eliciting fat loss.



This programme consists of 7 different exercises that target the entire body. Progressive overload in both volume and intensity is used to ensure gains in strength and conditioning. Exercise selection will remain fixed over the 4 week programme as the functional movements that will be drilled in this time have a steep learning curve and must be practiced regularly to engrain them effectively as motor neuron patterns.


Ballistic Training

Ballistic training involves exerting power, which is force x speed, into an object and swinging it. Although training for explosiveness can be achieved with a barbell, just ask any Olympic Weightlifter, the kettlebell is particularly suited to this style of training due to having a handle which allows for effective rotation of the weight in the hand.




This versatile piece of equipment can support a range of outcomes:


  • functional movement patterns

  • cardiovascular fitness

  • muscular strength, power and endurance

  • core strength and stability

  • sporting performance

  • motor skills, co-ordination and balance

  • flexibility and postural improvement

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Training Day



Exercise Guide

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Turkish Get Up


Lie on your back and hold a kettlebell extended straight up in one arm. Lift the knee of the weight-side leg to place that foot flat on the floor. This is the starting position for each rep. Using the lifted leg and the free arm, push and roll up into a seated position leaning on the free arm and continuing to push the weight straight up and keep it stable. It helps to look at the weight throughout the exercise.


Lift the hips into a bridge position, then using that space, bring the straight leg under and behind yourself into a lunge position with that knee on the floor, bringing yourself upright and off the support arm. Get up from the lunge into a standing position with the weight still stabilized overhead on a straight arm. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite hand for the same number of reps.



The Turkish get-up trains shoulder stability, and mobility and stability in the hips, as well as works to improve core strength and stability.



Ensure you use a weight, preferably a light weight, that you are fully able to control as the weight is held overhead and any mistakes could result in serious injury.

This exercise is generally performed from 2-4 sets and between 5-6 reps. Higher reps usually result in fatigue and make the exercise less effective.




Kettlebell Swings


Start with the kettlebell on the floor slightly in front of you between your feet. Have your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending slightly at the knees but hinging mainly at the hips. Important to note that the kettlebell swing is a hip hinge exercise and not a squat. Hold the kettlebell and pull it back between your legs to create momentum. Drive your hips forwards and straighten your back to send the kettlebell up to shoulder height. Let the bell return back between your legs and repeat the movement.



Kettlebell swings train high force development and activation of muscles of the posterior chain, which improves your overall fitness, performance, and power output. Kettlebell swings use your upper body, core, and lower body for an excellent full-body workout and an effective calorie burn.



Use a relatively heavy weight to ensure the posterior chain is adequately loaded. Perform this exercise for 4 sets and between 10-20 reps.




Kettlebell pass through with push up


Begin in a plank position with arms extended. Have the kettlebell positioned by your left or right side. Keep your chest parallel to the floor and resisting movement throughout the rest of your body, reach your arm underneath yourself to grab the kettlebell handle. Remaining in a good Plank position with core engaged, pull the kettlebell underneath yourself to the other side. Perform a push up. Continue to pull the kettlebell to alternating sides with a push up in-between until the set is complete.



This exercise trains shoulder stability with great emphasis on core strength and stability. The push up component trains the chest, anterior part of the shoulder and triceps.



Performed using a moderately heavy weight for 3-4 sets of between 10-20 reps




Kettlebell clean to strict shoulder press


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hips to reach down and grab the kettlebell with one hand. Swing it back between your legs and then use the momentum created to swing it forwards and up, driving your hips forwards and straightening your back. Once the kettlebell gets above bellybutton height, pull it back and move your hand under it so the bell rests against the back of your wrist and elbow pointed down. This is called the rack position.


In the rack position the kettlebell should be just below shoulder height and your elbow should be tucked in to your chest. Strict press the kettlebell straight up above your head until your arm is straight. then lower it back to the rack position. Finally, reverse the clean movement and take the kettlebell down to the floor and switch hands. Repeat for reps alternating hands each time.



Development of muscles and strength of the posterior chain with emphasis on the gluteal muscles engaged during the hip hinge and stability throughout the press. Core strength and shoulder development.



Typically performed between 3-4 sets 8-15 reps.




Kettlebell clean and squat


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Hinge at your hips and bend your knees slightly to reach down and grab the weight with one hand with your palm facing you.


Drive your hips forwards explosively to stand up, lifting the kettlebell. As the kettlebell reaches near sternum height, bring your elbow down and take your hand underneath the weight so that it nestles softly on the back of your wrist in the rack position by your shoulder.


Keeping the weight racked, lower into a squat, pushing your hips back and bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then push through your heels to the standing position. Repeat for reps then reverse clean the kettle bell back to the ground. Clean the kettlebell from the ground with the opposite hand this time and repeat the squats.



The kettlebell clean works your hamstrings, glutes, back, core, arms and shoulders. The squat section primarily works your lower-body muscles, particularly the quads and glutes, but also helps to build core strength.



Performed between 3-4 sets and 8-15 reps




Kettlebell lunge twist


Begin in a standing position holding the kettlebell with both hands on either side of the kettlebell horns, this is the start position. Have your elbows tucked pointed down holding the kettlebell just below shoulder height and pressed against your chest.


Perform a lunge by stepping forward. Once your lead foot is securely placed in front of you simultaneously bend the knee of your lead leg and lower the knee of your back leg towards the ground. Do not allow the knee of your back leg to rest on the ground, maintain a couple inches of distance. Once in this position twist your upper body to the left and then to the right.


Centre your upper body and stand up returning to the start position. Switch legs each time and repeat for reps.


Ensure to separate the two movements or it can become a combination of neither, make sure you get a good deep lunge in before making the rotation.



Develops core strength and stability and overall balance and coordination. Strengthens the quads and gluteal muscles.



Normally performed for 2-4 sets and between 8-12 reps each leg.




Kettlebell bent over row


Stand with your left leg in front and bent, rest your left arm above your knee. Your back will be lowered towards the floor and supported by the back leg which is stretched behind you and slightly bent. Ensure that your back is straight maintaining the natural curve in the lumbar spine. Using your shoulder blade, lift the kettlebell towards your chest or rib cage and flex the elbow. Lower it down and repeat.


Once the desired reps have been completed switch your stance to the opposite side and perform the same number of reps with the opposite hand.



The bent over kettlebell row activates the muscles in the back of the body namely the trapezius, rhomboids and lats. You will also activate the core muscles and biceps during the row.



Usually performed for 3-4 sets and between 10-15 reps

Kettle Ball

The Workout

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Full Body



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