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Many believe that to build lean muscle mass and to increase strength and power, a routine of lifting heavy weights in the gym is the only option available. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, pumping out sets on the bench press or squat rack will result in serious gains, but there are viable alternatives to loading up the barbell on a daily basis. It is no secret that functional bodyweight exercises provide great benefits to the body. Whether they are part of an existing lifting programme or a stand alone workout, bodyweight exercises, if done properly, can have transformative effects on the body and improve your overall physique no end. You only have to look at a gymnast for evidence of this.


The beauty of bodyweight exercises is that they can improve overall body strength in next to no time and are an expedient way to achieve those desired gains. This is due an emphasis on incorporating supporting muscles in every exercise as opposed to isolation movements using weights. In addition, the functional nature of bodyweight exercises means they translate to almost any physical activity.


The 'Bodyweight Sculpture' 8 week programme is a full body workout consisting of 8 functional bodyweight exercises aimed at increasing lean muscle mass, fat loss, toning, speedwork, core strengthening, and range of motion.

Home/Outdoor Workout

If getting to a gym on a regular basis is proving a problem, there is nothing stopping you doing the 'Bodyweight Sculpture' workout from home, outdoors in the garden or at your local park. Remember, no equipment is needed. For exercises like the bench dip or box jump, improvise and make use of furniture, park benches or anything that will do the job.

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The primary focus of the 'Bodyweight Sculpture' 8 week workout programme is fat loss, toning, and the building of lean muscle mass. This is achieved through a series of functional bodyweight exercises that help strengthen the core, increase range of motion, and help all supporting muscles.


The Workout

The 'Bodyweight Sculpture' workout consists of 8 different exercises that target all major muscle groups. The exercise selection remains fixed during weeks 1-4. Then from week 5, the workout will consist of a new selection of bodyweight exercises that are performed until the final week of the programme.



Central to all successful workout routines is an emphasis on progression. The body's adaptation to exercise can occur relatively quickly, which will result in diminishing returns and stall progress. This is why it is important to make sure every workout is challenging. If you begin to feel comfortable with an exercise it is vital that you increase the intensity or number of sets performed to continue making gains. Over the course of the programme, participants will gradually increase both the number of sets and reps performed per exercise to help maintain intensity and to maximise the potential for continued gains.



The primary goal of the 'Bodyweight Sculpture' 8 week programme is, as you would expect, to help participants reduce body fat whilst building lean muscle. To get the most out of the programme and to achieve the results you want, your nutritional intake is key. For the next 8 weeks it might be a good idea to avoid eating too many cream cakes and family sized packets of potato chips.


For any fat loss programme achieving calorie deficit is a must. Simply put, consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. Do this in conjunction with regular resistance and cardio training and your excess fat should start to melt away. Before you start emptying your cupboards of tasty fatty foods and ordering tons of quinoa in your next online food shop, you need to first find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and what your normal calorie intake should be. You can do this by using an online BMR calculator. Once you know your current BMR, subtract roughly 150-250 from that number. Then, all you need to do is not exceed this number with your calorie consumption.


It is important not to be too obsessive about your diet. The next 8 weeks does not have to be a 'food lovers' hell. Just make sure you eat reasonably clean and consume the recommended amounts of veg, fruit, protein, dairy, nuts, and seeds.


For guidelines on nutrition check out the Hoppa Fitness nutrition page.

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Exercise Guide

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Week 1-4

Push Ups

Start the exercise in a high plank with your palms flat, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked directly above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged. Then bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor. Finally, push through the palms of your hands to straighten your arms.


Diamond Push Ups

To begin get on all fours with your hands together under your chest. Then position your index fingers and thumbs so they’re touching, forming a diamond shape, and extend your arms so that your body is elevated and forms a straight line from your head to your feet. Lower your chest towards your hands, making sure you don’t flare your elbows out to the sides and keeping your back flat. Stop just before your chest touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position.


Deep Squat

Set your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Try to Pull in your lower abs, and keep your head and eyes forward. Slowly bend at the knees and drop your hips to lower your body. Keep your heels flat on the floor. At the bottom of the exercise pause 3 seconds and explode back up to the starting position.

For added balance you can hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder height.


Bulgarian Split Squat

Start by having one leg resting on the bench behind you, laces down. Then squat with your standing leg until the knee of your trailing leg almost touches the floor. Push up through your front foot to return to the start position.


Reverse Lunge

Begin the exercise by standing straight and engaging your core muscles. Then take a giant step backwards with your left foot. Bend your right knee until it’s at 90°, and then lower your left knee until it is also bent at a right angle. Finally, push back up and return to the starting position.


Single Leg Calf Raise

Position toes and balls of feet on a step or elevation with heels and arches extending off. Place hand or hands on support for balance. Lift one leg to rear by bending knee. Raise heel by extending ankle as high as possible. Lower heel by bending ankle until calf is stretched. Continue with opposite leg.


Russian Twist

Sit on the floor and bring your legs out straight. Lean back a little so your torso and legs form a V-like shape, bracing your abdominal wall to engage your core. Whilst balancing , twist your torso from side to side without moving your legs.



Begin by lying flat with your fingertips behind your head, just above your ears. Your elbows should be in line with your chin or ears. Your legs should be together, bent at the knees, with both feet placed flat on the floor. Then raise your head and shoulders off the ground, pushing your chest towards your hips. Your abs should contract during the movement. Pause, before returning, in a controlled manner, to the starting position.

Week 5-8

Elevated Push Ups

Start the exercise with feet elevated in a plank with your palms flat, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked directly above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged. Then bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor. Finally, push through the palms of your hands to straighten your arms.


Pull Ups

Grab the pullup bar with your palms down using a shoulder-width grip. Hang onto the pull up bar with straight arms and your legs off the floor, then pull yourself up by pulling your elbows down to the floor. Go all the way up until your chin passes the bar. Finally, lower yourself until your arms are straight.


Bench Dips

Stand facing away from a bench, grab it with both hands at shoulder-width apart. Extend your legs out in front of you. Then slowly lower your body by flexing at the elbows until your arm and forearm create a 90 degree angle. Using your triceps lift yourself back to the starting position to complete the movement.


Jump Squats

Begin by standing with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a full squat position. Engage through the quads, glutes, and hamstrings and propel the body up and off the floor, extending through the legs. When the legs are fully extended, the feet will be a few inches off the floor. Descend and control your landing by going through your foot (toes, ball, arches, heel) and lower yourself into the squat position again for another explosive jump.


Box Jumps

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, at a comfortable distance from the box. When you’re ready to begin the movement, drop quickly into a quarter squat, then extend your hips, swing your arms, and push your feet through the floor to propel yourself onto the box. Try to land as light as possible. Think of a cat jumping onto a surface.


Bulgarian Split Squat

Start by having one leg resting on the bench behind you, laces down. Then squat with your standing leg until the knee of your trailing leg almost touches the floor. Push up through your front foot to return to the start position.


Lying Leg Raises

Start by lying on the floor, face up, legs extended. Place your hands underneath your lower back and glutes so your pelvis is supported. Alternatively, have your hands at the sides of your body touching the floor. Begin to raise your legs toward the ceiling, keeping them pressed together and straight. Lift until your hips are fully flexed and you can’t go any higher with straight legs, then lower back down and repeat.


Hip Raises

Lie on your back. Have your hands by your sides, palms facing down, or place your hands underneath your butt for a little leverage. Then extend both legs out so they are a few inches above the ground. Pull your lower abs in, pressing your lower back into the floor. In one motion, bend the knees into the chest, press the hips up as high as you can, lower your hips to the floor, and extend the legs straight out.

Warm Up

The Workout

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Sample week 1

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