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Fat Loss


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Resting Between Workouts



Losing weight is not the same for everyone. Depending on your fitness level, age, lifestyle, and medical history, it may seem to take you longer to reach your fat-loss goals than it it does for other people. You may well have tried calorie restricting and numerous fad diets, all to no avail. However, do not be disheartened, a simple change of approach may be all that is needed to yield the desired results. For fat loss you really do need to raise the heart to burn those blasted calories, and nothing gets the heart muscle pumping more than a circuit workout.


The 'Fat Loss Circuit' is a 6 week programme designed to aid fat loss and to help build and tone muscle through a combination of intense resistance training and cardio. A good workout programme will use resistance movements to build a stronger, fitter body which has the added benefit of firing up the metabolism for maximum calorie burn. Building lean muscle mass will speed up your metabolic rate and promote fat loss. Compound exercises that use bigger muscle groups are the most effective for lean muscle growth. For this reason, every 'Fat Loss Circuit' workout includes at least one compound exercise.


The 'Fat Loss Circuit' consists of 5 workouts per week and can be done in a gym or at home. All that is needed is a bit of space, a few weights, and a little determination.

Ideal For


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Though the 'Fat Loss Circuit' 6 week workout programme is suitable for everyone, it was designed specifically with women in mind. If, like most women, you probably want a specific body type; flat stomach, toned and shapely legs, and of course, a tight firm butt. These ideals are achieved through a good toning routine and not by starving yourself. The 'Fat Loss Circuit' is all about toning and is comprised of exercises that focus on the areas of the body, that if developed, will have you beach ready in next to no time.

Training Principles


The 'Fat Loss Circuit' 6 week workout programme is focused on participants losing fat, toning, and building lean muscle mass. This is achieved through a combination of resistance exercises, compound movements, high volume rep ranges, and cardiovascular training. This synthesis of training methods, if performed with intensity, is guaranteed to melt away unwanted fat, leaving you with a toned and sculptured body. In addition, training in both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems provides an excellent workout improving overall fitness, speedwork and endurance.


The Circuit

Each workout is focused on a particular area of the body, includes at least one compound movement, and consists of 5-6 exercises to be performed in succession without rest between sets. In every workout session the circuit needs to be repeated 3 times to reach completion. Allow yourself 2-3 minutes rest after completing a circuit before starting again. On 'abs and cardio' day a HIIT workout is performed on a treadmill at the end of the circuit. If you are training at home and don't have access to a treadmill, try running on the spot instead.


HIIT Training System

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a training system that alternates between short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise and brief periods of recovery.

Exercises are performed in short bursts at maximum effort to bring the participant to the point of near muscle exhaustion, which in turn, activates the anaerobic energy system and the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


HIIT workouts can include exercises associated with both cardiovascular activity and resistance training However, due to short explosive bursts of maximum effort followed by brief periods of rest, it is not considered a form of aerobic cardiovascular training.



Central to all successful workout routines is an emphasis on progression. The body's adaptation to exercise can occur relatively quickly, which will result in diminishing returns and stall progress. This is why it is important to make sure every workout is challenging. If you begin to feel comfortable with an exercise it is vital that you increase the weight or number of sets performed to continue making gains. The 'Fat Loss Circuit' 6 week workout programme is all about progression. For the first 2 weeks the circuit is completed 3 times each workout day, however, participants are encouraged to aim for the upper end of the rep range by week 2. During weeks 3-4 the number of completed circuits per workout is increased to 4, and for the final 2 weeks the rep range on all exercises is further increased.



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The primary goal of the 'Fat Loss Circuit' 6 week programme is, as you would expect, to help participants reduce body fat whilst building lean muscle. To get the most out of the programme and to achieve the results you want, your nutritional intake is key. For the next 6 weeks it might be a good idea to avoid eating too many cream cakes and family sized packets of potato chips.


For any fat loss programme achieving calorie deficit is a must. Simply put, consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. Do this in conjunction with regular resistance and cardio training and your excess fat should start to melt away. Before you start emptying your cupboards of tasty fatty foods and ordering tons of quinoa in your next online food shop, you need to first find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and what your normal calorie intake should be. You can do this by using an online BMR calculator. Once you know your current BMR, subtract roughly 150-250 from that number. Then, all you need to do is not exceed this number with your calorie consumption.


It is important not to be too obsessive about your diet. The next 6 weeks does not have to be a 'food lovers' hell. Just make sure you eat reasonably clean and consume the recommended amounts of veg, fruit, protein, dairy, nuts, and seeds. And remember, you are training 5 days a week, so give yourself the odd treat.


For guidelines on nutrition check out the Hoppa Fitness nutrition page.

Before Workout

The Workout

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Sample Day 1

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Yoga Posture

Fat Loss


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