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Fit Woman

20 Minute HIIT

Fat Buster

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Fight Fat


When it comes to getting fit, it can sometimes feel like life just gets in the way. Your work, family, and social commitments can all have a habit of preventing you from making that planned visit to your local gym for a much needed workout session.


However, having a busy lifestyle should not hinder you in fulfilling your fitness goals.

The '20 Minute HIIT Fat Buster' workout routine can be performed at any time or place without the need for weights, exercise equipment or fancy resistance machines. The body is all you need, plus a spare 20 minutes.

The '20 Minute HIIT Fat Buster' is a high intensity workout that will help you burn calories, lose unwanted weight, tone muscles, and improve athleticism. Added to this, it will give your immune system a boost and improve the way you look and feel.

Fit Woman



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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a training system that alternates between short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise and brief periods of recovery.

Exercises are performed in short bursts at maximum effort to bring the participant to the point of near muscle exhaustion, which in turn, activates the anaerobic energy system and the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


HIIT workouts can include exercises associated with both cardiovascular activity and resistance training However, due to short explosive bursts of maximum effort followed by brief periods of rest, it is not considered a form of aerobic cardiovascular training.


Fat Buster

The aim of the '20 Minute HIIT Fat Buster' workout is to complete a circuit of 9 exercise and to then repeat the circuit again within the allotted time period. For weeks 1-2 you will perform each exercise, at maximum intensity, for 40 seconds followed by 20 seconds rest. You will then move directly on to the next exercise. After completing the final exercise you rest for 1 minute and then repeat the circuit. During weeks 3-4 you will increase the duration of each exercise to 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest. Finally, for weeks 5-6 each exercise will last 50 seconds with a rest period of only 10 seconds.



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Exercise Guide

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Bodyweight Squat

Set your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Try to Pull in your lower abs, and keep your head and eyes forward. Slowly bend at the knees and drop your hips to lower your body. Keep your heels flat on the floor. At the bottom of the exercise pause for a moment and explode back up to the starting position.

For added balance you can hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder height.



A burpee is a push-up followed by a jump squat. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet. Shift your weight onto your hands.


Jump your feet back to land on the balls of your feet in a plank position.

Lower into a push-up, keeping the core engaged. Push-up to lift body off the floor and return to plank position. Then Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air.

Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep.


Mountain Climbers

Get into a starting press-up position, supporting your weight on your hands and toes, with your arms straight and your legs extended. Keeping your core firmly engaged and your shoulders, hips and feet in a straight line throughout, bring one knee towards your chest, then return it to the starting position. Then repeat the movement with your other leg, and continue alternating legs throughout the duration of the exercise.


Star Jumps

Start the exercise in a quarter squat position with your back flat, feet together, and palms touching the sides of your lower legs. Jump up, raising your arms and legs out to your sides. Try to land softly with both your feet together and immediately lower yourself back into the starting position ready for another rep.


Forward Lunge

Start by standing with feet hip-width apart and hands by your sides. Take a big step forward with your right foot and bend at the knee until both knees form 90 degree angles while bringing hands to your hips or chest. Press down into your right heel to push back to the starting position.


High Knee Run On Spot

Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Lift up your left knee to your chest. Then switch to lift your right knee to your chest. Continue the movement, alternating your legs and moving at a sprinting or running pace throughout the duration of the exercise.


Plank Shoulder Tap

Start the exercise in a press-up position and make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders and your feet are in line with your hips. Keeping your hips as still as possible, lift one hand and tap the opposite shoulder. Repeat the movement on the other side. Keep repeating this while making sure your body is as still as possible and your core is thoroughly engaged.



Begin by lying flat with your fingertips behind your head, just above your ears. Your elbows should be in line with your chin or ears. Your legs should be together, bent at the knees, with both feet placed flat on the floor. Then raise your head and shoulders off the ground, pushing your chest towards your hips. Your abs should contract during the movement. Pause, before returning, in a controlled manner, to the starting position.


Alternate Leg Raises

Lie flat on the floor with your palms facing down. Raise both legs until they’re perpendicular to the floor. From this position, and without moving your right leg, lower your left leg until your heel touches the floor. Pause, and then lift your left leg back up to meet your right. Repeat the movement, only this time, lowering and raising your right leg. Continue to alternate legs with each rep.


Many of these exercises are challenging, so do what you can at a realistic pace and aim to improve week by week.


The Workout

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Sample Workout

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20 Minute HIIT

Fat Buster

Download full workout programme pdf  £2.99

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