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Heavy Weight Lifter



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Weight Lifter

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The primary aim of this programme is to make rapid gains in both strength and muscle mass in the shortest possible time. The ‘Strength Booster’ workout programme employs a low-rep system with an emphasis on heavy lifting and exercise continuity. Over a 4-week period, participants will train 3 days per week lifting heavy weights with a further 3 days dedicated to cardiovascular training.


The ’Strength Booster’ workout programme is centred on a 5 X 5 system of compound exercises, with major muscles worked 3 times per week at 75-85% of your 1 rep max. By focusing on compound exercises, which utilise at least two joints to target multiple muscle groups at the same time, the whole body is worked during every workout session.


After completing each 5 X 5 compound exercise workout routine, you may want to add extra exercises to target smaller or supporting muscle groups such as abdominals, biceps, and triceps.


Each heavy lifting workout day is followed by a cardiovascular training day. It is important to rest and let your muscles repair after intense heavy lifting, failure to do so can not only inhibit progress but can also lead to injury.

The training schedule, selected exercises, and rep range, remain unchanged over the 4-week period. However, the aim is to increase the amount of weight lifted each week.

Heavy Lifting



The ‘Strength Booster’ workout programme uses the 5 X 5 training system, which combines sets of low repetitions with compound movement exercises. Training programmes that place emphasis on a low number of repetitions have been scientifically proven to be the most effective in increasing muscle strength.


Unlike an isolation exercise, a compound exercise is one that utilises multiple muscle groups at the same time to perform a movement. An example of a compound exercise is the squat; it employs many muscles in the legs and lower body, such as the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. In addition, it also engages the core and lower back.


By concentrating on compound exercises, the ‘Strength Booster’ workout programme allows you to work all the major muscle groups three times per week.

When starting the programme, It is important to select a weight for each exercise that is challenging but not so heavy that you are unable to complete your set. However, during week 3 you can reduce the number of reps you perform per exercise by using a 5 X 3 system. The change should be limited to a week and the weight increased accordingly.


Exercises can be altered if they are not comfortable to perform or they aggravate old or existing injuries.


Do not forget to warm up thoroughly before each session and perform warm-up sets for every exercise.



New Lifters and Old Pro’s

For those training with heavy weights for the first time it is important to take it easy at the beginning. You will need to experiment with weight to find your 1 rep max, and for the first 1-2 weeks concentrate on your form. Add weight after a couple of weeks if needed.


For experienced lifters, try to go for your max from day 1. Remember to focus on the weight increase, even if you reach failure by rep 4.


Additional Exercises

If you want to add exercises to the routine make sure they are isolation movements that work smaller or supporting muscles. Some examples of isolation exercises are, barbell/dumbbell bicep curls, standing cable triceps extension, and abdominal crunches.


Training Aids

For heavy compound lifting exercises the following training aids will help with protecting the lower back and with grip strength.


- Weightlifting Belt (protects lower back)

- Chalk (grip strength on all exercises)

- Straps (grip strength for the deadlift and pull-ups)



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Heavy Weightlifter

The Workout

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Sample Workouts

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Weight Lifting



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